War on Poverty?

discussion on wealth, development and poverty, poor, homeless, social justice, economics, corporate morals, jobs

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Why this preoccupation with poverty?

Why indeed? I am certain that it has something to do with my life now. I am one of the useless people that I wrote about in my previous post. There is not much reason for God to keep me hanging around if one is to consider economic viability as the major reason for being. Very simply I am talking of survival. The most basic instinct there is in any creature is Self-preservation. Even the most miserabnle and abject of creatures has a strong sense of Wanting-to-stay alive. Why is it difficult to survive in a Technologically advanced world? I am not talking about corporate survival but keeping body and soul together survival. Can blogging help? He he he.

One only has to open the TV to see poverty and disease pervading the earth. There is no dearth of highly-evolved sensibilities which agonize about this and do their utmost best to alleviate it. But there is also apathy and a feeling of "what can I do? I am just one person", of helplessness and impotence in the face of insurmountable odds. On the other side of the spectrum there are the politicians (who in third-world countries invariably are corrupt and calloused which is not to say developed nations do not have their share of these too) and the large multinational corporations who make daily worship to their idol of Profits.

Is there an inverse relationshiop between Profits and Poverty?


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